Enrico Laghi

Enrico Laghi

Enrico Laghi is a professor at La Sapienza University of Rome. He is registered with the Register of
Italian Corporate and Tax Affairs Experts (Albo dei Dottori Commercialisti) and with the Register of
Certified Auditors (Registro dei Revisori Contabili). Since2015 he is the Extraordinary Commissioner
of the companies of ILVA Group in extraordinary administration. Since the 2nd of May 2017 he is
also the Extraordinary Commissioner of Alitalia – SAI in extraordinary administration. He has been
member of the board of directors and member of the board of statutory auditors of companies
listed on the Italian stock exchange. He is professor of accounting analysis at the Superior Course of
the Italian Tax Police School (Corso Superiore della Scuola di Polizia Tributaria della Guardia di
Finanza).He has developed a detailed knowledge of issues regarding company valuation and of the
administrative dynamics of the management regimes of large companies in a crisis status.

Enrico Laghi
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